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Fox Hollies Special School

Fox Hollies Special School

Pathway 2           Curriculum Overview – Autumn Term 2024 – Celebrations



Global Learning

Number and Counting


Key Stage 3 ‘Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns’ (Hena Khan)

 Key Stage 4Crescent Moons and Pointed Minarets’ (Hena Khan)

Geographical knowledge

Key Stage 3-My school community- where do different people come from? Our addresses and school locality.

Key Stage 4-School locality and places to worship nearby. How do different cultures in our school community celebrate.


Scientific Knowledge

Key stage 3 – Light and Dark, day and night, features of and things we do at day or night, day and night animals. Sources of light in the sky.

Key stage 4 – Weather linked to seasonal changes. Daily weather check, what clothes/equipment do we use in different weather?





Food technology   All students-

Preparing and making celebration and party food.

Key Stage 3  

Making sweet party food, different biscuits- flavours and fillings, a range of cakes or muffins with different flavourings for example chocolate drops/lemon/blueberry

Key Stage 4

Making savoury party food, Sandwiches with different filings, vegetarian spicy snacks and vegetable salads.

  • Daily opportunities for Number and Counting within a range of lessons and daily practical experiences.
  • Daily calendar, date and days of week.
  • Maths songs and games, counting forwards and backwards.
  • Counting objects, addition and subtraction.
  • Number recognition, ordering numbers and linking to date.
  • Weekly reading of Rapid reading/PM reading and Symbols making sense scheme books.
  • Personalised symbol books based
  • Daily opportunities for reading symbols, cue card and symbol sentences.
  • Sequencing - sequencing a sentence and using colourful semantics.
  • Key Stage 3 - reading key text vocabulary, words/symbols/use of colourful semantics
  • Key stage 4- reading key text vocabulary words/symbols/use of dictionaries

2D shape and Pattern


Key Stage 3-

  • Naming, matching and sorting shapes and colours.
  • Making cards and posters using shapes.
  • Identify features of shapes
  • Key Stage 4-
  • Shape and patterns with concrete and pictorial resources.
  • Shapes- halves and quarters.
  • Making decorations/bunting- 2D and 3D shape.
  • Writing, tracing and copying key vocabulary, ingredients, names and places related to the topic theme, as well as individually motivating / relevant words.
  • Writing ingredients and instructions for food tech.
  • Key stage 3 –Plan for a Diwali celebration- Answering questions- Where, Who What
  • Writing for a purpose- cards and ingredients for recipes
  • Key stage 4 –Organise the celebration- Create Flyers, posters and leaflets for school celebration.
  • Writing for a purpose invitations- instructions for cooking

Physical Education

Speaking and Listening

Assembly themes and RE - All Key stages

  • Daily access to movement activities within class time.
  • Weekly access to school community including the garden and access to trampoline.
  • Weekly PE sessions
  • KS3- Dance- Linked to theme of fireworks
  • Sensory circuits
  • KS4 Yoga- To include levels and shape.
  • Sensory circuits
  • Expressive communication through PECS, using Communication books, Makaton and vocalising.
  • Use of symbols and words to talk about interests and likes.
  • Teaching topic related vocabulary and signs, modelling key words and sentences.
  • Using colourful semantics approach to build vocabulary and structure.
  • Receptive Communication -Group games and turn taking, listening and responding to requests.
  • Listening and following instructions.

Return to School, Fairtrade Fortnight, Jeans for Genes Black History Month,  World Homeless Day, Recycle Week, Diwali, Remembrance Day, Anti-bullying Week, Road Safety Week, Our Heroes, Advent, Human Rights Day

Creative Learning– All Key Stages

RHSE – All key stages

Preparing for Adulthood  Key Stage 5

  • Key Stage 3-Art  - Printing with shapes and focusing on use of colour, making cards.
  • Key Stage 4 Art – Printing and pattern for making borders and bunting.

Design and technology Designing and making instruments- including drums and maracas. Creating banners and signs to use in the performance.

Music –Key Stage 3- Percussion instruments- naming and sorting into groups. Tapping different rhythms to celebration songs


Music Key Stage 4 - Celebration music- With a focus on using percussion and voice in different ways- loud and quiet and also using a rhythm.


 KS3  This is Me   My new school my new friends, Getting on with others, People who are special to me

Relationships  Families and Close Positive Relationships, Caring Friendships managing hurt, Safe Relationships – Respecting ourselves and others

KS4   This is me My personal Qualities. Qualities in others, accepting others.

Relationships  Positive Relationships and Values, Forming and Maintaining Respectful Relationships

All- Anti Bullying week



Daily experiences and activities under the 4 PFA outcomes and ASDAN Qualification Learning…

1.Employment –

Developing mathematics skills involving sequencing and sorting. Including exploring cause and effect in everyday activities, e.g. IT equipment and household appliances.


2. Independent Living –

Learning to know the importance of keeping their own environment clean and safe and how they can do this in their own surroundings.


 3. Community Inclusion –

Caring for the environment:

Looking at how people’s’ actions can harm the environment and taking steps to participate in activities that improve their local surroundings.


  4. Health-  

Recognising the importance of keeping healthy and developing skills to take part in activities to do this. Including personal care, exercise and diet.

PHSE lessons will also help students recognise their own and others emotions and identify ways to look after their own mental wellbeing.


How to support your child’s learning at home

  • Ask your child to help when you are cooking- mixing and stirring ingredients, making their own toast or sandwiches, preparing their own cereal.
  • Sing songs to recite days of the week, Look at the date and day each day with your child.
  • Sing songs to recite alphabet, practise Makaton signs each day with your child.
  • Use You tube and share the key texts listed above with your child.