Pathway 1
Welcome to Pathway 1
In Pathway 1 all students have severe, complex and profound Intellectual disabilities, with a varying range of individual educational needs, and complex personal profiles. The majority of students have an additional diagnosis of autism, compounding the complexity of their communication challenges, social and emotional needs and sensory processing needs.
The Pathway 1 department consists of five classrooms set along a ground-floor corridor, with doors in each class to an outside space. The three classes are grouped where possible by key stage. They look like this:
Class sizes are around 8 students led by a class teacher and supported by several teaching assistants. Classrooms have a multisensory approach to the environment, with movement equipment, lights, and alternative seating options for students to access learning in a way that maximises engagement.
The sensory room and therapy room are also situated on the Pathway 1 corridor.
Please take a look at our Class Pages, and the Home Learning section for more information.