Pathway 2
Hello and welcome to Pathway 2!
Pathway 2 students have complex and severe learning difficulties and are working within the pre-key stage 1 and some within the pre-key stage 2 standards.
Lessons are linked to a termly theme with subject specific knowledge taken from relevant parts of the National Curriculum and delivered in creative and engaging ways to be motivating for our students, as well as offering the opportunity to practise important life skills and develop early literacy and numeracy skills.
Classes are broadly grouped into key stages (3, 4, 5) and all key stages follow the same theme to enable collaborative working and shared experiences, but as students move through the key stages, there is a greater focus on preparing for adulthood outcomes and Asdan qualifications that are also linked to the theme.
A total communication approach is taken that values equally the different forms of alternative communication, embedding use in all activities, lessons and interactions.
The focus of Pathway 2 is to develop communication and core skills, whilst offering a breadth of curriculum experiences, community access and engagement and developing life and self-help skills to prepare for next steps into adult services or college placements.