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Fox Hollies Special School

Fox Hollies Special School


Pathway 2  Curriculum Overview

Summer  Term – 2023  -  Refugees



Global Learning

Number and Counting

Reading Topic book for term – Key Stage 3 – Everybody’s welcome- Patricia Hegarty. Honey Bee life cycle books Key Stage 4  My name is not refugee- Kate Milner. Butterflies life cycle book.

 Scientific and Historical Learning

Key Stage 3- Seasonal changes and how this affects animals

Key Stage 4-. Seasonal changes and how this affects humans

Geographical knowledge Visit to Wythall animal sanctuary/ horse sanctuary looking at where animals live and thinking about how we can help them.

Key Stage 3- Animals and their habitats

Key Stage 4- Animals/humans and their habitats

Food technology   Key Stage 3/4/5

Recipes from around the world. Using the Refugee cookbook to create meals and snacks form different countries.

  • Daily opportunities for Number and Counting within a range of lessons and daily practical experiences.
  • Maths songs and games, counting forwards and backwards.
  • Counting objects, addition and subtraction.
  • Number recognition, rote counting.
  • Weekly reading of Rapid reading/PM reading and Symbols making sense scheme books.
  • Personalised symbol books based on Animal sanctuaries and refugees.
  • Daily opportunities for reading symbols, cue card and symbol sentences.
  • Sequencing a story- sequencing a sentence and using colourful semantics.
  • Discussing needs and rights of animals
  • KS3- Create posters and leaflets about animal care.
  • KS4- Create non- fiction book about butterflies and non-fiction books about animal sanctuary and looking after animals

Measures and Money


  • Key Stage 3-Measures- Comparison of animal and insect sizes, comparing animal homes and their sizes. Building play homes for animals and problem solving about how many will fit in there. Money- Role play shops, counting out sets, coin recognition, money equivalence in pennies.
  • Key Stage 4-Measures Comparison of animal homes – pens, kennels, hutches and human homes- flat, bungalow, caravan etc. Building models to represent homes, using language of measures. Money Exchanging coins, counting sets, addition and subtraction of pennies.
  • Writing, tracing and copying key vocabulary, ingredients, names and places related to the topic theme, as well as individually motivating / relevant words.
  • Key stage 3- Creating posters and leaflets, how we look after animals. What are the rules when caring for pets
  • Key stage 4- What are rules for looking after animals in the environment, horse and animal sanctuary. Create non – fiction books with symbols and words

Physical Education

Speaking and Listening

Assembly themes and RE - All Key stages

  • Daily access to movement activities at playtimes.
  • Weekly PE sessions– KS3- Dance and sitting volleyball
  • KS4 and 5- Dance and Sitting volleyball
  • Weekly access to school community including the garden and access to trampoline.
  • Expressive communication using Communication books, Makaton and vocalising.
  • Group storytelling and turn taking, listening and responding to requests. Teaching topic related vocabulary and signs, modelling key words and sentences.
  • Using colourful semantics approach to build vocabulary and structure.
  • Listening and following instructions.
  • Ramadan
  • Celebrating Eid
  • International day of families
  • World bee day
  • World oceans day
  • Refugees
  • Keeping safe
  • Celebrating our year

Creative Learning– All Key Stages

RHSE- SRE – All key stages

Preparing for Adulthood  Key Stage 5

  • Key Stage 3- Collages—Flowers and textiles for exhibition Art- techniques linked to animal patterns- stippling, shading
  • Key Stage 4 and 5 Textiles and weaving- Sewing, creating items for enterprise sale.
  • Pottery with Artist in residence, preparing work for exhibition.
  • Music/DancePutting on a group performance, working with a partner, focusing on responding to music and rhythm.


Body parts and puberty



Living in the wider world

My community

Human rights

The environment

Daily experiences and activities under the 4 PFA outcomes…

1.Employment – Creating and making items for enterprise week. Serving on the stall.

2. Independent Living – Seasonal drinks and snacks, cleaning the flat and food tech.3. Community Inclusion – Visits to animal sanctuary, horse sanctuary. 4. Health- Preparing healthy meals and snacks. Engaging in exercise, physio programmes and therapies to promote wellbeing.