Career and Work Related Learning
Students begin work experience placements based on their readiness. Students usually begin their learning with a placement in school, these have included roles such as caring for the school plants, being responsible for the Food Technology room and assisting in the school office. Successful in-school placements then lead to external placements within the local community. These roles have included working as a kitchen assistant in a local café, shop assistant and nursery assistant. Students are supported by school staff initially but have the opportunity to progress to working independently. Fox Hollies has strong links within the local community, and we have worked successfully with many of our placement providers for a number of years.
Whilst carrying out their work experience placements students study a work related qualification at an appropriate level. These qualifications underpin the placements by giving students a theoretical understanding of work place skills which are transferable to many aspects of life.
Throughout the year we aim to put on events, linked to our curriculum that give our students the opportunity to engage with the local community and businesses and learn about the world of work; examples are school fetes, in which the students sell produce they have grown in the garden and run stalls.
Careers education across school is also addressed through embedded topics and themes. Vocational learning includes horticulture, cooking and woodwork. Community visits enable students to observe a wide range of job roles being carried out and also to visit places where their peers work e.g. a trip to view the shop window that was dressed by a Fox Hollies student on work experience or a trip to a café where a student is working.
Careers and Transition
Careers advice is provided to students and their parents by an independent Careers Advisor who supports both EHCP meetings and the Transition process. Transition to Post-19 provision is an important aspect of the Careers process and students and parents are supported to identify the most appropriate setting and learning for the student’s next step. Students may move on to educational or social care settings, both of which offer opportunities to further develop their learning. Students and parents have the opportunity to meet potential Post-19 providers at the annual Transition Event.
This is also attended by Fox Hollies Transition Lead and an independent careers advisor. Once students and parents have identified and visited suitable potential placements, a Career Plan is produced in conjunction with an independent careers advisor and this forms part of the application process to the Local Authority. Students and parents are further supported by Fox Hollies until the young person has secured their placement. Wherever possible transition visits are arranged and students supported by familiar staff who ensure that the new placement is aware of individual needs including specific communication needs.