
All students are expected to wear school uniform

  • Burgundy jumper. Plain is fine but jumpers with the Fox Hollies logo are available to order online at myclothing.com

  • Black jumper for post 16 students (in year 12 and above). Plain is fine but jumpers with the Fox Hollies logo are available to order online at myclothing.com

  • White polo-shirt, shirt or blouse

  • Grey or black trousers or skirt (this can include plain grey or black jogging bottoms)

  • Sensible black shoes or plain black trainers

  • PE Kit- White T-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms, plain black hoodie, trainers. We do not have changing facilities on site, so for the majority of our students we will ask that they come to school wearing the relevant kit on the day that they do PE, for others we will manage changing within classrooms dependant on age and appropriateness and having separate rooms for males and females.


Students should not wear jewellery to school, but may wear a standard watch (Smart Watch not permitted), one stud earring in each ear and any items necessary to the student’s religion.  Body piercing is not appropriate for school.

Mobile Phones

Students are not permitted to have mobile phones in school. If one is needed as a student is going to respite or if they are an independent traveller, they must leave their phone with reception and collect it at the end of the day.