
All transport is organised by The Children and Young People’s Travel Service (CYPTS) on behalf of Birmingham City Council. If you have any other queries regarding transport, then please contact them directly. School can only support with transport applications and appeals; we have no control over routes and timings.

Contact details:

Tel: 0121 303 4995



Our transport is provided by Green Destinations

Transport applications

If you are in Key stage 3 and 4 then you can apply for transport online using the following link.

Applicant type | Apply for Travel Assist (

The deadline for new Year 7/September 2025/26 applications is 31 st May 2025.

Post-16 transport

All post-16 students are no longer eligible for school transport. Your child may be awarded a bus pass or Personal Travel Budget for you to bring your child to school, but you WILL NOT be allocated a school bus.

Please take this into consideration when deciding your child’s post-16 provision, as a more local school may be more appropriate.

Useful information

Route timings

If your child is allocated school transport, then you will be given a time that your child is picked up and dropped off. Please make sure that your child is ready for that allocated time, because the bus is only allowed to wait for 2 minutes. Guides are not permitted to get off the bus, so it is your responsibility to watch out for the bus and bring your child out to it.

Parent not home guidance

Please click here to read CYPTS guidance on what will happen if you are not at home to collect your child from the bus. (link to CYPTS- Parent not home guidance PDF attached)


If your child is ill, then you should contact the guide as early as possible to advise them not to pick your child up. You will need to ring school or text the guide to reinstate transport when your child is better.