The school day

The school day:

9.00am: student arrival, regulation and independence routines. All students should aim to be in school for this important start to the day.

9.15am: the back (minibus) carpark is accessible to parents who need to drive in to drop off.  Please be aware that there are times when school buses are late and could still be occupying the carpark so ensure that you approach with caution and take direction from school staff in high-vis as to where to park.

9.30am: compulsory school day starts, formal registration opens and all lessons start

3.00pm: compulsory school day finishes

Preparation for student departure, regulation and independence routines 

3.15pm: the back (minibus) carpark is accessible to parents who need to drive in to collect. Please be aware that there are times when school buses are late and could still be occupying the carpark so ensure that you approach with caution and take direction from school staff in high-vis as to where to park.

3.30pm: all students to have departed on minibuses or to have been collected by parents/carers.  

All students will have a morning break and lunches are run in a staggered fashion for each pathway. Other movement breaks and opportunities to learn outdoors are regularly built in across the week.

For school term dates, please look at the calendar.