Fox Hollies Designated safeguarding leads
If you are concerned about a child or adult, then please speak with a DSL in school
DSL Sinead Davies, Head Teacher
SPOC – Single point of contact
Suspensions and exclusions
Whole school policies
Allegations against members of staff (allegations against HT go to the Chair of the Governors)
DSL Grace Mahar, Deputy Head Teacher
Lead DSL
Whole school strategic lead for safeguarding and training
Designated teacher for Children in Care
Safeguarding curriculum
DSL Tom Allport, Assistant Head Teacher
TIAAS lead
UNICEF Rights Respecting lead
My Body, My Rights (RSHE) curriculum
DSL Becky Kerry, Early Help Coordinator
Early Help
Family support
Medical coordinator
Attendance officer
Transport liaison
Care reviews
Other key people:
Nicky Ratcliffe - GDPR & Mental Health First Aider
John Gibson - Safeguarding Governor
Sarah-Jayne O’Kane - Chair of Governors (
Fox Hollies educate students aged 11-19 and work in partnership with children’s social care children aged 0-17 and adult social care adults 18+.
If there is a safeguarding concern about a child aged 0-17, a DSL will contact children’s social care:
Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or via secure email:
Outside of normal office hours please call 0121 675 4806 for the Emergency Duty Team.
If there is a safeguarding concern about an adult aged 18+, a DSL will contact adult social care:
Email: Phone: 0121 303 1234
Out of Hours team: phone - 0121 464 9001 email -