Pathway 2 Experiences


  • We offer a termly thematic curriculum within KS3 and KS4 with a breadth of National Curriculum subjects all learning is adapted to meet the learning abilities of the students. We have a WOW Day within each term to introduce students to the topic.

  • We teach core subjects of Maths and English with a heavy focus on communication and functional learning, incorporating opportunities for life skills and independence; also developing core skills and independence through lessons within food technology and gardening.

  • Key Stage 5 work towards the Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) outcomes- Employment, Independence, Community Inclusion and Health. Students work towards ASDAN PPU qualifications. A key focus is to further develop their independence and community access.

  • All students follow the PE curriculum and have weekly sessions which will incorporate games, gym or dance.

  • All students access Arts and creativity within curriculum- this includes lessons in music, art, dance and drama.

  • All students have access to our RSHE curriculum ‘My Body, My Rights’ to support development of personal care, relationships and accepting and valuing others.

Opportunities to try new experiences

  • All students have worked with artists in residence- teaching Arts and through our Common Ground Arts project.

  • We are a UNICEF Rights Respecting School, and each class has a representative who will attend meetings and have a say on issues discussed, thus promoting Student Voice.

  • Each class has a School Council Representative who will attend meetings and discuss ideas for school improvement.

  • We offer termly Enterprise Events in which students have the opportunity to create and sell items.

Learning outside school

  • All students access learning around the school grounds and in the garden.

  • There are local opportunities within the community for example, shopping for food items or resources to make arts items, and visits to local park

  • Key Stage 3 classes are offered a term of swimming each year.

  • Key Stage 5 have regular community visits as part of their post-16 curriculum.

  • We support opportunities to learn outside of school and will participate in Arts events at venues such as the Hippodrome and MAC and we join in with sports events around the city.

Meaningful choices

  • We encourage students to be independent with choice making and will use ALDs with students who need this to support.

  • We encourage students to select their own choice of self-regulatory or movement activities and preferred activities each day at choice time.

  • We are a UNICEF Rights Respecting school and students are given a voice and a choice through participating in activities related to this and the School Council.

Preparing for Adulthood

  • All students from Y9 work on EHCP targets to support their learning and development in the areas of Employment, Independence, Community Inclusion and Health.

  • We encourage students to have responsibilities through classroom jobs and choosing and clearing away activities where relevant.

  • Key Stage 5 students have opportunities to visit some colleges.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

  • We celebrate different cultures and beliefs through our themed curriculum

  • We run themed events in line with national initiatives such as mental health week

  • We adapt teaching approaches so all students can access our curriculum offer