Pathway 2 Engagement

Positive engagement and relationships

Staff develop understanding of pupil individuality and develop trusting relationships with them.

Pupil Voice is valued, and students are given opportunities to express how they are feeling through daily emotional check-ins. Staff understand individual pupils’ interests and motivators and use these to support their wellbeing and learning.

We engage with families and carers to gather information about their child so they can be kept informed about their child is progressing in school. We complete a Home School Diary daily to let families and carers know what activities have been carried out in the school day and to celebrate achievements. If we have any concerns regarding pupils’ wellbeing or health we will contact them via a telephone call. Families and carers are invited into school for a coffee morning and parents evening so we can share pupil work and targets.

We keep parents updated by sharing information on the school website which includes curriculum planning and photographs of school events.

Mindful and skilled staff

Staff provide a wealth of experience and have a wide knowledge of SEND. A student’s individual needs are considered in everyday practice. Staff are caring, patient and positive when working with the students. They are reflective in their practice and work as a team to ensure we get it right for the pupils.

Staff training expectations

All staff are trained annually in safeguarding, medical needs and positive behaviour management.

Within the school staff are trained in use of augmentative and alternative communication, such as use of key words, communication books and Makaton, they work together to implement use within the classroom and around school.

Work with other professionals

A range of multi-agency professionals support pupils within the school according to individual need. The physiotherapy department supports implementing individual physical programmes and supporting staff to carry these out within school. Occupational Therapists will offer advice and support to students with physical or sensory needs. The Speech and Language link therapist will work within school and home to support pupils with expressive and receptive vocabulary. We have an allocated Educational Psychologist who supports us with training and some induvial pupil needs. Consent from families or carers is always sought if we feel that support is required from another service.


The post 16 department offer community-based learning twice weekly whereby they access a range of different locations to support their learning and development. All other pupils access the school and local community to support their learning as appropriate for individual needs. Families and carers are kept informed of any community visits and consent will always be sought.


The transition process for students coming into school in Year 7 and leaving us in Year 14 are both carefully planned to make it as supportive and effective as possible.

In Year 7 school staff will visit the Primary setting and family home to meet the students and families and gather as much information as we can to support our understanding of each pupil. Families and pupils are invited to a transition morning prior to their child starting school and they will have the opportunity to ask questions and enable their child to have some time with their class staff.

From Year 11 the school careers advisor will be in contact with families to create a profile which supports the pupils EHCP and consider the transition for when they leave Fox Hollies in Year 14. Families and carers are invited to a transition event from Year 12 whereby they can learn about the range of providers available for the young people as they transition into adulthood.