Pathway 1 Environments
A 'Total Communication’ approach is adopted to recognise and support a range of diverse communication needs and to build trusting interaction and relationships:
We give processing time and space.
Staff honour “No”.
Objects of reference, signing and symbols are used within lessons and as part of the wider classroom and school environment.
Aided language display (ALD) boards support learning and where students use communication books, staff will model their use.
Staff adapt their language to support keyword understanding.
We seek to understood behaviour as a form of communication and will interpret body language and gestures.
Consistency and routines:
Consistent and frequent environmental symbols and cues support students to understand daily routines, structures and key transitions.
Visual timetables, Now and Next boards and Transition PowerPoints are used consistently across classes to indicate changes and transitions.
A flexible approach to learning environments
Our classrooms are clutter-free and low stimulation.
We use bean bags, gym balls, trampolines and sensory rocking chairs- all of which help students to feel safe, focus and engage.
Need for movement breaks is acknowledged and respected and we will often take the activity, engagement and learning to the student.
Regulation zones, sofas, bean bags, rocking chairs and quiet desks and corners are used where appropriate,
All classes open directly onto the playground and requests to go outside or use the sensory exercise equipment are respected to allow students to regulate and re-engage.
Learning in the community and outdoors
The garden, local parks, the High Street and wider local community are frequently and regularly accessed as meaningful and motivating learning environments.
Risk assessments are thorough and consistently implemented.
All Fox Hollies staff hold Team Teach level 2 Qualifications in Positive Behaviour Management and these are refreshed yearly by experienced in-house Tutors.
Physical, Guiding, prompting, gestures and deliberate used of body language are part and parcel of staff practice to support students to access all environments
Staff consistently ask themselves “How do students understand what we’re asking them to do or where we want them to go?” and “How do students understand what is next?” Relevant approaches consistently support this, e.g. objects of reference, now and next timetables or environmental symbols and cues
Health and Personal care
Students are encouraged to choose their own food within class snack times which, in turn develops communication and widens exposure to different food choices.
Students have the opportunity to visit our Pathway 1 Canteen and choose their own lunches from a service counter (food displayed).
Many of our students require support with personal and intimate care and this is approached with an attitude of promoting dignity, choice and as much independence within personal care tasks as possible.
Trauma-informed practice
All staff are trained in trauma-informed practice and employ strategies to give time and space to students, recognising that regulation and engagement must take priority.