Pathway 1 Engagement
Engagement is driven by experienced, qualified, motivated staff with highly developed understanding of the student’s needs, preferences and communication who continually reflect on their practice and purpose, students’ needs and progress.
All staff are experienced in supporting and value Neurodiversity. Students (Autistic) special interests are valued and incorporated into learning experiences, communication, sensory and emotional regulation and used to help develop self-identity and awareness.
Learning experiences are fun and richly stimulating sensory experiences eg- sensory stories, cooking, music, sensory massage, community inclusion, Art, intensive interaction
Consistent use of routine and environmental communication and cues builds students understanding of and engagement with all daily activities.
All staff are familiar with the engagement model and use it daily to reflect on their practice, students’ experiences and their progress towards targets
Wider support is frequently and proactively sought based on students need, with Clear referral paths, good relationships and consistent implementation of external professional’s advice eg – Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology.
Good relationships are developed with all parents where staff value their experience, understanding and knowledge and seek to work together to support student towards shared goals as defined by the yearly EHCP review process.
All parents are communicated with daily via a home school diary and most are communicated with verbally at least weekly. Parents know how they can contact class teams for more formal communication or appointments, and staff arrange these proactively as the need arises. In addition, Coffee mornings, parent circles and small workshops are offered to parents termly.
All staff recognize that students’ engagement can fluctuate and be short lived, and consistently honor student’s communication giving them time, space, opportunities to regulate and multiple chances to re-engage later