Our curriculum is well-rounded and aspirational
It is a curriculum in which core values, knowledge, skills and dispositions are all promoted. It celebrates difference, diversity and equal opportunity.
Our curriculum is thematic
Each term we use a theme as a motivating ‘hook’ into learning. We group subjects into broader area of learning and the theme allows students to make connections and transfer skills across these areas of learning.
Our curriculum is arts-led
We use the Arts to drive the theme and engagement across all other areas of learning. We use the Arts to spark and nurture creativity and encourage our students to respond to and express their ideas, feelings and interpretations of the world. We are committed to artist-in-residence programmes that enrich and broaden the creative experiences we are able to offer.
Our curriculum is community-focused
We are committed to learning beyond the classroom and we make the most of our location between two vibrant Birmingham High Streets and close proximity to beautiful parks. Through regular visits out into the community, our students develop skills for life beyond Fox Hollies.
We maintain a flexible, creative and reflective approach to curriculum design to ensure that it remains meaningful to the broad range of learner characteristics and needs within our school.
We have three different learning pathways in school that follow either an informal, non-subject specific curriculum or a semi-formal curriculum which is broadly based on the National Curriculum, heavily differentiated.
For our students following an informal pathway we offer a ‘different’ entirely, not ‘differentiated’ curriculum.
The theme drives the learning within each term and through it, we explore key concepts that are linked to our school values and our values as a Unicef Rights Respecting School.
Having a whole-school themed approach to our curriculum delivery allows for flexibility and collaboration across school, so that students can access learning and resources from other learning pathways where at times this may be more appropriate for them.