Across all learning pathways we assess student progress against targets that are linked to each their EHCP and long-term aims. The Long-term aims are broken down into termly, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) targets that enable us to structure and sequence learning to the long-term aim. These EHCP short-term targets are then linked to the curriculum’s areas of learning.
Teachers will use objectives within the relevant progression framework, alongside each student’s EHCP short-term targets to plan, structure and sequence teaching and learning each ½ term.
They will capture evidence of learning through student work, photos and films gathered via a cloud-based assessment system ‘Evidence for Learning’ (EfL). This forms the student’s individual learning journey log.
We assess against individual EHCP targets in the following areas:
Communication and Interaction
Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Cognition and Learning
Physical and Sensory Needs
These areas change in year 9 to:
Preparing for Adulthood
Community Inclusion
Independent living
In our semi-formal pathway we also use Birmingham’s A2E Language & Literacy and Maths Toolkits to assess progress in those core subjects. The Toolkits support a graduated approach for our students who are working within pre-key stage standards.
Qualifications and Accreditation
We do not offer GCSEs because our students are not working at the academic level required to access this level of study.
Students in Pathway 2 follow ASDAN's ‘Personal Progress’ (PPU) qualifications that have been designed to address the needs of students with SEN who are working at Entry 1 award and certificate levels.
ASDAN Website | Personal Progress
Students in Pathway 3 follow ‘Personal and Social Development’ (PSD) qualifications accredited by ASDAN at Entry award and certificate level. Entry level qualifications provide foundational knowledge about a subject at a basic level of academic study. Entry level qualifications are available in three different sub-categories, which progressively get more difficult: entry levels 1, 2 and 3.
ASDAN Website | Personal and Social Development
Students in Pathway 1 do not follow formally accredited routes.